When considering a bridge vs dental implants, you need to understand what the advantages and disadvantages are for each alternative.
• Advantages
- the procedure to prepare for and install a bridge can normally be completed in two visits.
- the price of a bridge is cheaper than that of a dental implant solution.
• Disadvantages
- bridges must be attached to two anchor teeth or implant posts for security. This could require the cutting down of healthy, adjacent teeth in order to support the bridge structure
- bridges normally have a shorter life span that implants.
- the patient cannot floss between the units of a bridge. Amazing dental care recommends including a waterpik as part of daily dental hygiene.
- debris and bacteria can become lodged under the bridge.
• Advantages
- dental implants do not affect your other healthy teeth, therefore more of your own teeth are left intact.
- implants bond to the jaw bone and become part of it – this connection is nearly as strong as a natural tooth root.
- dental implants can enable more flexibility in planning a treatment plan than bridges.
- individual dental implants allow easier access between teeth, enabling everyday normal dental care.
• Disadvantages
- dental implants are more expensive that bridges.
- the implant procedure is time consuming, taking up to 6 months to complete a normal installation. If additional work, such as sinus lifts or bone grafting is needed, an additional three to six months may be required.
- before any additional dental or medical procedure is undertaken, the patient must pre-medicated with an antibiotic.
- The patient must also consult with a medical doctor before an MRI can be conducted.
- patient must list on all medical consultation charts that he or she has a dental implant
- the body may reject the implant